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Yoga at Home
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You Do You Yoga

Welcome To

You Do You Yoga's mission is to meet you where you are at, on the mat, in your home. Instructor led classes focus on the student’s individual goals while breathing together as a community. We embrace diversity while supporting individuality.

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Online Meditation
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Virtual Studio

You Do You Yoga is a Virtual Studio. Instructor led classes streamed into your home for your convenience. Learn what you need to create your at-home studio environment.

Where you find your fell good state.

Live a Healthy Life

Get healthier and stronger by exploring yoga. It’s more that exercise or bending into interesting shapes. A consistent yoga practice will improve balance, flexibility and strength.

Yoga’s Features + Benefits

Image by Benjamin Child

Yoga offers physical and mental health benefits for people of all ages. And, if you’re going through an illness, recovering from surgery or living with a chronic condition, yoga can become an integral part of your treatment and potentially hasten healing.

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Seek Health

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Relax Yourself

Yoga encourages you to relax, slow your breath, and focus on the present, shifting the balance from the sympathetic nervous system (or the fight-or-flight response) to the parasympathetic nervous system. The latter is calming and restorative; it lowers breathing and heart rates, decreases blood pressure, and increases blood flow to the intestines and reproductive organs—comprising what Herbert Benson, M.D., calls the relaxation response.

Yoga Class for all Ages

Control Your Brain

According to new research published in the journal Brain Plasticity, yoga can enhance your brain function and positively affect the structure of your brain. You can achieve these brain-boosting benefits by practicing yoga one to two times per week. Yoga can also help you run stronger by preventing injuries.

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Yoga Training

Healthy Eating Habits

Simple Language

Lifetime Access

No Ads. Focus on Health.

Image by Ale Romo


Improve Strength

Increase Flexibility

Gain Focus

Find Balance Between Mind and Body

Practice Mindfulness

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Happy Clients

What They Say

Yoga has become an essential part of my healing journey, and You Do You Yoga has been instrumental in this process. Thank you to the team for their incredible support and guidance. It's made a significant difference in my life.


Amid life's chaos, You Do You Yoga has been my sanctuary. The relaxation and mindfulness techniques taught here have brought a newfound sense of peace and balance into my life. Thank you for these transformative sessions.


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You Do You Yoga has changed my perception of yoga entirely. The focus on brain health and overall well-being has been remarkable. I've seen a notable improvement in my mental acuity and physical strength since I started practicing regularly.


Yoga Retreat

Join us today

Yoga begins when you decide to step on your mat. See offers and pick what works for you!

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